The initiated measure would create a new chapter of the North Dakota Century Code. It would allow for the production, processing, and sale of cannabis and the possession and use of various forms of cannabis by individuals who are 21 years of age and older; direct a state entity to regulate and register adult use cannabis production businesses, dispensaries, and their agents; provide protections for individuals who are 21 years of age or older who use cannabis; provide penalties for violations of the chapter; preserve certain employer rights regarding use of cannabis products by employees; supersede local ordinances that otherwise would prohibit the purchase, sale, use, delivery, or growing of cannabis by or to individuals 21 years of age or older; and provide that fees must be appropriated for administration of this chapter. The estimated fiscal impact of this measure includes revenues of $10,227,600, expenses of $8,324,275, and an undetermined amount of additional costs associated with behavioral health and social impacts for the 2025-2027 biennium.
Yes – Means you approve the measure as summarized above. No – Means you reject the measure as summarized above.
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